Carbonated drinks will be restricted on the Candida diet

My friend read something online before about eliminating (among all the other things we can’t eat) carbonated drinks on the candida diet. She loves Perrier and Diet Rite melba peach drinks (sweetened with Splenda). She only has one Diet Rite per day, but will often drink 2 25oz bottles of Perrier a day if she has him around. Wondering why carbonated drinks are not allowed.

I know that I have different reactions of sugars to carbonation. Carbonation seems to go through my entire system resulting in small pockets of air that come out when I use the bathroom. Unlike the sugar that causes my typical candida problems.

I’m trying to be as strict as possible with my diet, but for the first month at least I allow myself diet sodas and sweet and low for my grapefruit and herbal tea. I know it kills but I just have to have something to satisfy my sugar cravings or else I know I won’t get it. I have a book on candida diets written by a nutritionist who chewed sugarless gum at first for the same reason. I mean, we are only human and we are capable of quitting when the time comes. I’m planning to go from diet soda to Perrier and then drop that no matter what they say. It can’t be that terrible.

Sometimes I also break and drink a “Spritzer” from “RW Knudsen”. It doesn’t affect me like typical soft drinks. It has sparkling water, concentrated fruit juices, and “natural flavor.” But, as I recently learned, there could be anything in that natural flavor.

I also wanted to point out if Splenda is made from sugar that they process. I’m not sure if Splenda is good for candida considering what it actually is. Try this for a fizzy drink: club soda, unsweetened cranberry juice, and Stevia if you want to sweeten it up. It is quite tart but refreshing!

Author: admin

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