Email Marketing Tips: The Anatomy of a Profitable Email Campaign

These are the 5 things you need to maximize the response of an email campaign.

1. The headline (subject line)

First of all, you need to get the attention of your subscribers so that they open the email. The best email subject lines use a curiosity or profit-driven message to capture attention.

2. The offer

What do you have to offer? For example, are you promoting a sale, introducing a new product or service, or hosting a webinar? Whenever possible, try to provide so much value that your prospects see yours as an “irresistible” offer.

3. History (Reason why)

What is the background? Why are you making this offer? Why are you communicating with your prospects or customers about this? For example, if you are making a sale, why are you making a sale? If you are introducing a new product or service, what is the reason?

4. The call to action

If you want to maximize response, you need to clearly tell people exactly what you want them to do. For example, if you’re promoting a webinar, don’t just put the registration link in the email and hope for the best. Tell people to click the link and sign up.

Bonus tip: It will usually increase their response if you tell them more than once in the same message.

5. The deadline

We are all procrastinators. Your customers and prospects need a good reason to act NOW. One of the best ways to give urgency is to have a deadline. It can be a time-based deadline, such as the end of the sale, or a quantity-based deadline.

Bonus tip: For an extra 20%-40% boost, send an extra email near the deadline to give people one last chance (eg, Final Notice) to respond to the offer.

How to apply this to your business

You can apply these email marketing principles no matter what kind of business you’re in.

If you run an Internet-based business, such as an e-commerce website, you can use this 5-step formula to promote the sale of your existing products, a special product bundle, or a new product line.

If you own an offline service business, like a hair salon or massage studio, you could use this type of campaign to advertise a new service or special offer related to a vacation.

If you have a professional practice, such as a law firm or consulting service, you can use this formula to promote a free workshop or webinar to your email subscribers.

Hopefully these points give you some new ideas on how you can benefit from email marketing!

Author: admin

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