IPL Therapy Treatments – Ouch!

IPL therapy. . . OH! Have you ever stretched an elastic band to the limit and then proceeded to repeatedly snap it all over your face? OH!

The first thing to know about an IPL therapy treatment is that it can DAMAGE! It is strongly recommended that you use numbing cream prior to any ILP therapy or ~WARNING~ every blow is going to hurt.

So what is an IPL “intensive pulsed light” therapy treatment like?

A small, rectangular-shaped wand, resembling a nifty flashlight with a small vacuum-type hose connected to a large, oversized machine that hums happily in the background, hits a specific area of ​​skin when a button is pressed. You have to wear small dark opaque glasses to protect your eyes before applying a thick layer of cold gel to the skin as protection before any zapping.

The zapping is immediately followed by a flash of bright light and a snapping sensation on the skin. Depending on your pain tolerance and if you decided to use numbing cream, the snap may feel like a big rubber band stretched to the limit and then released against your skin, YES!

If your skin has been numbered, the zap feels like a small flick of a finger. The discomfort is tolerable, but trust me numbing cream is the way to go… why be uncomfortable?

Do IPL treatments work?

Intensive pulsed light treatments are used for a variety of skin conditions, skin tightening, and hair removal, depending on the wavelength of the laser.

For photorejuvenation, IPL therapy is used to correct damaged areas of the skin as a result of hyperpigmentation. IPL therapy is extremely effective in removing age spots, as well as red and blotchy skin, including rosacea.

after the year IPL therapy treatment, your face may be a bit swollen in spots and you will most likely notice discoloration ranging from slight redness to small brown spots. Instead of being horrified, rejoice! That is evidence that the treatment is working effectively.

You will notice that the areas of your skin that discolor the most are the areas where you will see the most improvement once the discoloration fades in a week or so. The discoloration can be significant enough that if you look at your skin in a magnifying mirror, it appears that your face is speckled with tiny specks of mud. This is an excellent sign that all those age spots and damaged areas on your skin will disappear when the skin recovers from the treatment.

Some IPL therapy treatment specialists also recommend that a facial peel a week after treatment is helpful in removing that discoloration.

Are IPL treatments effective?meNo Pperfecting Lokay?”

Although results are noticeable immediately after the first treatment, several IPL therapy treatments (which are not cheap by the way) are usually necessary to eradicate all age spots, sun damaged skin, spider veins and rosacea.

However, the end results are simply amazing! Age spots OUT! Spider veins on the bridge of the nose, GONE! Ruddy cheeks, OUT! Under eye discoloration, OUT! It really is amazing to see all those stubborn damaged skin areas literally disappear.

Did you know that IPL therapy treatments also reduce the size of enlarged pores and stimulate collagen so that the skin becomes firmer with healthier skin cells? It all contributes to your skin looking so good and feeling great!

The best thing about IPL therapy is that it DOES WORK. . . wonderfully! (And if you use the numbing cream, it’s not even uncomfortable.)

And remember, there is no need to have your roof removed after IPL shuts you down, just slather on the numbing cream and you’ll be fine. Claiming a vision of beauty is just a few zaps away. ILP therapy treatments they are just one option for treating aging skin. But how big is it!

Author: admin

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