Golden Retriever names

Okay, you have! you have found the perfect and precious Golden Retriever. What a versatile breed. A mix of intelligence, energy, beauty and loyalty. This is a breed very close to my heart because I have one. My daughter went through several breeds before deciding on the Golden Retriever, and I wasn’t so sure, the detachment, being tall, and the constant need for exercise to remove that energy, but 2 years later we couldn’t imagine life. without her.

When we went looking for it, we had no idea what we would call it. Since my daughter’s name is Lily, she ended up being Daisy. Now this didn’t come directly to us, it took us 3 days to name her. We had moments later when we thought of other names that we could have used, but we knew that once a Golden Retriever is named, you have to stick with it. They are a very intelligent breed and you should not confuse them. The best thing to do if you are having trouble naming your golden retriever is to use a baby name book. I could list numerous names, but you will find more options along this path.

You should also take into account the personality and appearance of the puppy (or dog). If you have a very docile pet, you don’t want to call him “Sparky” or “Speedy”, but maybe “Lazy” or “Dreamer.” If your dog is (or is going to be) large, you can choose a name like “Bubba”, “Bear” or “Tubby”.

Don’t forget to use names of things (even food), activities, people that you like. You could name your newcomer “Presley” or “Elvis” if you are a fan or “Prince”, “Rocky” or “Ozzy”, “Sushi”, “Taco” or “Oreo” if you love a certain food. If you are avid in a certain activity, you can use it, like “Surfer”, “Sailor”, “Atlas” (if you travel a lot). There may be a favorite place like “Boston”, “Diego”, “Winston” or just your classics like “Benji”, “Toby” or “Ace”.

Take your time when naming your pet because, as I mentioned before, this is an extremely intelligent breed. My Daisy learned to sit up, roll over, play dead, and smile in 3 days. Now he’s skateboarding, surfing, and can basically do his own magic act. Once you name your Golden Retriever, it will stick almost instantly. Daisy was turning her head the first day we named her and she was just a puppy! Changing it will almost certainly confuse them.

If it is a family pet, be sure to incorporate everyone (including the dog) into the decision-making process. You may be sitting around throwing names and one will catch your puppy’s attention, and they will come running when you say so. Done, you have a winner. Because if the pet is comfortable with the name (unless you despise it), then that is the name to choose. If your dog responds well to your name, then the training process becomes much easier.

Naming your dog is step # 1, after that, you start training right away! I told them about the great success I have had in training Daisy. I highly recommend early training to anyone who is serious about owning a Golden Retriever that is fun, obeys, and wows their friends and family. This breed will impress you more every day if you raise it right!

Author: admin

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