How to spend the holidays

One question I get asked over and over again is how to spend the holidays. I’ve written other posts about it, but then it got me thinking that there really isn’t a “holiday season.” What I mean by that is that yes, there are holidays, but we have events throughout the year where we are faced with less than desirable food choices. If you live in colder climates, January through April is your time to comfort food, which is usually heavier food. Let’s not forget Valentine’s Day when most people go out to eat. There are also baptisms, first communions, Easter, Passover, etc. There is Mother’s Day in May, Father’s Day in June. Memorial Day kicks off the summer parties, golf, and barbecue season, right? So now it comes back oh man how do I go to these picnics week after week and stick to my diet? Now we come to the big holiday of Labor Day, local fairs, Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, New Years. Oh, and that doesn’t include all birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Do you see a pattern here?


The real fact of the matter is that there is not a single season in which we have temptations. They confront us every day. We have to determine if we want to make lifestyle changes and how we want to get through all of these events. They’re always going to be there and if you allow yourself to “oh, it’s just a day now and then” that’s one thing. But look at every day in a month that they can add up. They can add up at least 4 or more times a month. That’s not from time to time, that’s completely sabotaging your hard work. Then you have to decide what is most important to you. Breaking your butt all week with a clean diet and awesome exercise routines to blow up every weekend? Or would you rather break your butt all week with a clean diet, incredible exercise, and learning to control what you eat and drink?


I know what you’re going to say, because I hear it all the time. Well, so-and-so invited me, I can’t be rude. Okay, first of all, if your family, friend or colleague is and they are inviting you, they should know your lifestyle well enough to know what is important to you. There is nothing wrong with asking what’s on the menu. Say you’d like to bring a plate. If they say no, they have a lot, say it’s okay, but could you still tell me? Would it be okay if I brought an aperitif from a bottle of wine? Then at least you will know what they serve. And if you know that all food would be nothing to eat, then bring something to eat. Yes, I did. If they feel insulted, then they don’t really respect or care about you. I cook meat when friends come because I know they enjoy it. It’s not one of my favorites so I make it for them and always have a salad and lots of veggies. So I’ll stick with that, or I’ll make chicken or something else along with the meat dish. You have to decide what you are comfortable doing and what is important to you. If it’s someone you don’t know very well and are just getting to know, then what the heck will you eat before you get there. And either way, bring something to the host / hostess. Sorry I don’t care how well you know / don’t know you, I was raised saying it’s rude to show up anywhere empty-handed. You could even bring flowers. It doesn’t matter even if it’s one of my sister’s houses, they say don’t bring anything, I bring something.


Let me see if I can give you some advice.

  • Eat something beforehand so you don’t starve yourself (which will motivate you to say no to the “junk” that you know your mind wants but your body doesn’t crave).
  • Bring something healthy that you know you will eat and that you can share with others.
  • Opt for the healthier appetizers: veggies / no sauce, (or maybe hummus), shrimp cocktail, gravy (with veggies or baked pita slices)
  • To start, select mainly vegetables, salads, etc. limit the amount of animal protein (no larger than the palm of your hand) and skip carbohydrates if it’s after lunch.
  • If it is a picnic; steer clear of any mayonnaise salad (including coleslaw) or white pasta / potato salad. (Besides ewwww mayonnaise in the heat? I think not.)
  • Opt for salads made with salad dressing, fresh veggies like broccoli salad, coleslaw without the creamy dressing.
  • If you are consuming animal protein, skip the bread and cheese. Be careful with the seasonings.
  • Fill up on fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink lots and lots of water.
  • If you are drinking alcohol, try mineral water with a little alcohol or wine. You will continue to consume alcohol, but with fewer calories and you will drink it more slowly.
  • If you want dessert, allow yourself to try, not a whole piece. Ten bites of something won’t taste better than the first. Savor it and enjoy it, don’t overdo it.
  • If you go out to dinner, skip the bread and carbs all together.
  • Order a salad, more veggies and have your meat / fish grilled or baked and don’t ask for “sauce / marinade” unless it’s on the side.

When harry met sally

We’ve all seen the movie When Harry Met Sally, right? Sally orders everything on the side, or totally different from the menu. That’s so me. I’ll tell you, I have friends who still tease me about how painful I am when we go out to eat. Here’s what I tell them: “I’m paying for it, so I should get what I want. If it’s on the menu, I should be able to eat it with my food. Frankly, I cook better than most places we ended up eating as well. that if I’m going to pay money, I’ll get what I want. ” I don’t care if they like it or not, because it comes down to my health. And if people choose to eat dressing soaked salads to be like soup, fried foods, butter, sour cream, that’s up to them. It’s none of my business. I try really hard not to say anything when they complain about how they feel and how they should lose weight. I bite my tongue and take a deep breath. The bottom line is that you can decide what you want to do. It is your health and your body. You only have one life – make the decisions you can LIVE with.

I hope you find these tips useful. For your health and your conscious decisions.

Author: admin

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