Live your life by design with a vision board

Well, you’ve heard this before, well here it is again. Do you have a vision board and if not why not?

They are so easy to do, they are fun, and when you do them, you are deliberately forecasting your future. How cool is this?

Maybe the question should be, how scary is it if you make a vision board.

What is a vision board: It is a snapshot of your personal desires, goals and dreams in drawings, images and writing. When you create a vision board, you are having fun and thinking about what you want to see come into your life. You are activating the universal law of attraction to bring these desires into your reality.

A few years ago I first decided to make a vision board. I had no idea if it would work, but I stayed open to the idea that it would. I cut out pictures from magazines. I paste money from foreign countries that I received during my travels. I put a great cruise ship and a lot of interesting, thoughtful, and fun things on my board. I added more items as time went on. I placed the board in a place that I would see often. I looked at my vision board every day for 6 months or more.

I moved my home to a different location and state, so I saved the board. I recently unboxed it and was overwhelmed with emotions as I realized that everything on that board had entered my life. I was so full of gratitude when I touched the items on that vision board.

So, needless to say, I started another one.

How to start yours:

  1. Your subconscious works on pictures and images. Collect images of the things you want to come into your life. Cars, money, checks, houses, computers, jewelry, large groups for your business. You can add a resignation to your boss or even quotes that touch you. Let your dreams fly.
  2. Get colored pencils to draw and write.
  3. Purchase a sturdy board at an office store along with glue and tape.
  4. Draw, write and paste pictures on your board.
  5. Use the dates you want things to happen on. Go for it.
  6. Engage your senses and emotions by adding to your board.

TIPS: Never put anything negative on your vision board!

Your vision board is only limited by the scope of your creativity. It should evoke a positive response in you and make you feel happy when you look at it.

Your dashboard should be intentionally placed in a location that gives it maximum exposure. Constantly wash your subconscious mind with the energy of your board to manifest your desires quickly.

If you fear criticism or the need to justify your vision board to others, place it in a private place just for you. Your little secret. What a charmer.

Start collecting images for your board today and start living your life according to your design.

Honor yourself!

Author: admin

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