Relaxation Therapies Part 2

New Age Therapies

The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions from both the East and the West, many of which have been fused with ideas from modern science, particularly psychology and ecology.

sound therapy

Sound therapy is a method of recharging the cerebral cortex and distributing latent energy throughout the nervous system. This therapy uses sound in a rhythmic way to decipher stressed nerves and brain, relaxing the mind and body. The effect of therapeutic sound on a person is revitalizing, harmonizing and healing on almost all levels of being. Sound therapy is one of the best techniques to relieve the effects of stress. Sound Therapy consists of listening to therapeutic sounds, for at least three hours a day for a total of 100 to 200 hours. The therapist decides the length of time depending on the condition of the patients.

Certain sounds have a revealing effect on the state of our brain, apart from specially created sounds, we can access and use the natural sounds that surround us. Nature has a vast repertoire of soothing and rhythmic sounds——– sounds of the ocean, breeze, rustling leaves, bubbling sounds of a waterfall, and even the sound of silence can have a very calming and stress-relieving effect on anyone.

walking therapy

Walking provides an excellent opportunity to recharge and tone your body by inhaling oxygen and releasing tension. Through long walks, important organs such as the heart, lungs, digestive system and muscles are thoroughly exercised, facilitating blood circulation.

Regular walking sessions can make you feel more confident that you can improve your physical and mental discipline as well as keep your body healthy. Walking is a therapy with versatile benefits; it is especially effective for stress since in the course you release your blocked energy and your negative feelings and thoughts.

music therapy

Music, whether vocal or instrumental, basically sends various forms of vibrating sound energy into its surroundings. The sound of music, when coordinated with one’s inner vibration, unravels knotted and stressed nerves, calms the mind-body and promotes well-being in us. People are generally drawn to the types of music that appeal to their inherent body vibration. Some people may love to hear the high, spicy vibes of jazz, but others prefer the slow, melodious sound of a flute.

Music has a tremendous relaxing effect on both our mind and body. Surveys on the effect of music therapy reveal that favorable musical vibrations can promote a positive thought process in an individual. Music can be a source of emotional enjoyment, whether one is performing it or just listening to it.

autogenic training

Autogenic training is based on passive concentration and body awareness of specific sensations. Autogenic, which means “self-regulation or generation,” refers to the way your mind can influence your body to balance the autoregulatory systems that control circulation, breathing, heart rate, etc. Autogenic training allows you to manage stress by training your autonomic nervous system to relax.

The technique is used to relieve stress symptoms such as anxiety, tension, sleep disturbances, and exam stress, as well as chronic stress-induced medical conditions.

craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a subtle and philosophical form of healing, the aim of which is to organize the body’s inherent life force and the body’s natural intelligence. Helps nourish the principles of self-functioning, increasing vitality and well-being. The healing effect sounds on structural changes in the body and also improves self-management on a mental and emotional level.

Dr. William Sutherland, an American osteopath, had discovered the intrinsic movements of the bones of the skull, as well as different rhythmic tidal movements in the body. It became clear through research that these movements are inextricably linked with not only physical health but mental and emotional health as well.


To really enjoy the benefits of radiant health and a harmonious and serene life, it is necessary to be regular in the practice of the therapy of your choice. The daily practice of physical exercises, breathing and meditation, a balanced diet and a mind focused on positive thinking are the best ways to drive away the demon of stress.

Author: admin

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