Singing techniques: a deviated septum may be hindering your singing

First, get checked out to see if a deviated septum is really the problem. Even if their nostrils are partially blocked, this shouldn’t affect their singing much if you keep your throat open and use good breathing techniques. Blocked nasal openings will not cause a nasal sound if you use the above techniques. You can always breathe through your mouth. So yes, you can sing very well with a partially covered nose. Practice inhaling with the feeling of the beginning of a yawn. This opens up the back of your throat, so what you want to do is HOLD IT open as you sing. Practice, practice, practice this, and then do some more. KEEP THE BACK OF YOUR THROAT OPEN WHILE SINGING. (This goes for all singers)

The recommendation for surgery for a severely deviated septum is a constant source of debate among voice teachers. Most teachers agree that straightening the deviated (bent or twisted) septum (the bone and cartilage that separates the left and right nostrils) will make breathing easier and improve some important higher harmonics. There are differences of opinion regarding how much improvement will occur after surgery.

Years ago a student asked me for an opinion about having surgery for this problem. I didn’t know the answer, so I called my mentor, David Kyle in Seattle. David was the teacher of singers like Geoff Tate and Ann and Nancy Wilson. His response was to definitely recommend the surgery, which I did. The student showed improvement in several areas of the singing epilogue. Over the years I have worked with other students who had the surgery and in most cases there was a noticeable improvement in their singing. I often recommend this surgery for extreme cases, while also informing the singer of the contrasting opinions of other experts. The choice is, of course, always yours.

It is an uncomfortable operation with a short recovery time, and I can only relate my personal experiences regarding this subject. There is a lot of information that can be found on the web. I recommend doing your research.

Author: admin

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