Suggestions for learning life with purpose

Have you ever thought about the tools and techniques needed to create a purposeful life? But! You must! There are some valuable suggestions for learning purposeful living, although many factors are required to find your life purpose, such as leadership, perseverance, dedication, decision-making skills, meditation, etc.

But in this article I would like to emphasize decision making skills. The decision-making skill is a powerful tool that culminates and leverages your efforts and tactics to lead toward a purpose-driven life. Anthony Robbins says: “It is in those moments of decision that I shaped your destiny”, how true is that, think about it! So how important do you think one’s decision-making skills should be as sharp as a razor blade?

Work on decision-making (DM) skills

How to make a right decision at the right time is another question that may arise in your mind? Most of the successful people think from a very rational and positive point of view and this is the reason why they are successful. They don’t do “different things” they do “different things”. There are two types of people. Type one are optimists and type two are pessimists. If you fall into the category of pessimists, you must work harder to change your perception of seeing things around you. For example, if you have a half-full glass of water in front of you, you can say “it’s half empty” or you can also say “it’s half full.” You should be in the last category only then you can see your surroundings with a completely different point of view. Only if your point of view of seeing things is correct, then you can make correct decisions.

Don’t panic, find alternative options available to you

How could you? I can’t say it’s that easy, let’s face it, however, it’s far from impossible too! It is possible that you have gone through the rough patch of your life. But sometimes adversity affects your decision-making power and subdues your flow of positive energy, which is very important for making the right decisions in life. I encourage you not to let this happen to you. When there is a problem, there is also a way out. It is said when “one door closes, another opens”. Keep this positive focus in your mind and behave accordingly to face the difficult and challenging days of your life. You will find that you can find the second available option before you do, if one has been closed.

There is no adversity that cannot be overcome, with courage, with Faith and knowing that there is a rainbow at the end of the storm!… Always! You need to be a bit tougher to face the situation and you need that guts of inspiration (or desperation it seems sometimes…), to find the hidden way out of the dire situation. It will help you see important decisions from different perspectives. It will help you make better decisions by pushing you out of your usual way of thinking. As such, it will help you understand the exact complexity of a decision, spot problems and opportunities that you might not otherwise notice in the first place.

Steps to make the right decision

First, focus on the available data. Look at the information you have and see what you can learn from it. Look for the drawbacks in your knowledge and try to develop or take them into account. After that, analyze the decision using intuitions, gut reactions, and emotions. Also try to anticipate how other people will react emotionally, and try to understand the intuitive and immediate responses of people who don’t fully know your discretion. Then look at things pessimistically, cautiously, and defensively. Try to see why the ideas and approaches might not work. This is vital as it will highlight weak points in a plan or course of action. It will allow you to eliminate them, alter your approach, or prepare contingency plans to counter problems that arise.

How good decision-making skills can push you towards your life’s purpose

This thinking strategy will help you make your plans tougher and more resilient. It can also help you identify flaws and lethal risks before embarking on a course of action. By taking this course of thought, your creativity will emerge and make your course of action a success. These are the steps and techniques to look at the effects of a decision from a different point of view. It opens the opportunity for creativity within decision making. It also persistently helps even pessimistic people to be positive and creative. Furthermore, good decision-making skills will also lead you towards your life’s purpose. In other words, your life purpose can lead you to be a good decision maker.

In reality, life purpose and decision-making traits are interrelated and cannot be separated. It is proven that a good decision maker is bound to approach his life purpose smoothly and in a better way than a poor decision maker. In the same way, your life purpose will make you stronger and more intuitive to make vital and difficult decisions to reach the goal of your life. In this way, decision-making skills and life purpose cannot be separated. That’s because the absence of any one of them will defeat the very purpose of life and your approach to it.

It is my hope that the above suggestions for teaching purposeful living will open new avenues for you to lead a contented and purposeful life.

I wish you all the best you deserve. Find your purpose and live it with passion!

Author: admin

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