Small Talk for Networking: 7 Tips to Help You Connect Instantly

Business networking events are ideal places to meet new clients. But it is not enough to appear. If you park at a table or gossip with your business partner, you won’t make new connections.

The problem often lies in knowing what to say. For most people, approaching a stranger, introducing yourself, and starting a conversation is intimidating.

Most likely, before going to a social or business event, you will think about what you will wear, how you will get to the event, and even where you will park. How often do you plan what to say once you get there?

This article gives you 7 tips to help you prepare for a networking event, so you never feel tied down or speechless.

Before the event, use these ideas to plan three or four conversation starters:

1. At a business event, find out what is happening in your industry. Read professional magazines and newsletters in your field to stay current.

2. If you are in a new city, find out about local events. Get information about the local team, movie premieres, and books and cultural events in the news.

3. Be aware of current events. Read the local and national newspapers. Browse the headlines and top stories for topics of interest.

4. Watch the local and national news. You don’t want to be in the dark about recent developments.

5. Look at the three main types of magazines: news magazines, business magazines, and general interest magazines. This will give you a lot of conversation starters.

6. Use a funny newspaper story or personal anecdote to start a conversation. Humor brings people together

7. The best way to start the conversation is to start with your shared experience, the event you attend. Begin by asking about the person’s relationship to the event or group. For instance:

o Have you been to (event name) before?

o Have you been to (this city / location) before?

o What did you think of the keynote speaker?

o What do you think of the event so far?

o What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far?

o How do you know (name of host or hostess)?

Any of these questions will give you an instant connection because you have had the same experience.

You are invited to use these tips to connect at networking events.

Author: admin

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