Social media: Has social media made some people trade intimacy for attention?

When someone shares something online, you can end up getting a fair amount of attention and this can allow you to feel good about yourself. Still, what happens online may only be a small part of your life.

Therefore, they will not be completely dependent on this care, which means that it will not be the end of the world if they do not always receive it or if they do not receive a certain amount. What this can show then is that they have relationships with people in the real word that are deeply satisfying.

Two ways

When it comes to the care they receive online, it will be a one-way process; however, when it comes to your actual relationships, it will be a two-way process. You will be there for a friend, for example, and your friend will be there for them.

The kind of care they receive from a real person is likely to be much more satisfying than the care they receive from one or even a hundred people online. This is ultimately because they will have real human contact.

No substitute

In the same way that real food cannot be replaced by basic supplements; real relationships cannot be replaced by online relationships. Being around real people will help regulate your nervous system, allowing your whole being to feel more at peace.

So this will have a positive effect on your immune system, which will have a positive effect on your health and well-being. There will be what will happen when you are in the presence of another person, and there will be how you will feel for a while once you are apart.

Various needs

If you just had a need for attention and didn’t need anything else, you wouldn’t need to have real relationships. This boils down to the fact that they are an interdependent human being, whose sense of self depends on the interactions they have with others.

So, in the same way that your body needs food to exist, your sense of self needs other people to exist. In their real relationships, they will be able to talk about what they have been up to, how they feel, and even share physical contact.

Other part

And, one of the main reasons they may have these types of relationships will be because of the fact that this is what they are comfortable with. Being emotionally vulnerable and opening up to real people will not be a problem.

What will also help is that while they will believe your needs are important, they will not fully consume them. This is what will allow you to reach out to others.

Another scenario

Then there will be others who have traded most of their two-way relationships for the one-way relationships they have online. That is, of course, if they can really be called relationships.

You may have some people in your life with whom you experience real intimacy, relationships that are based on both giving and receiving. Where it won’t just be about paying attention to each other, it will also be about showing up and being fully present.

An empty existence

On the other hand, it may not, and someone like that can only have relationships with other people that are very superficial. Ergo, they might talk about things on the surface level and even share their body with certain people, but that could go as far as possible.

It will be as if they are living on foods that have very little nutritional value, if any, and this will cause some of their needs to be unmet. But, the pain they experience living this way could usually be kept at bay with all the attention they get online.

Out of touch

There is a possibility that they do not have a strong connection to your emotional needs, and this may mean that they have objectified themselves. So they are not an integrated human being, but a divided human being who uses himself to satisfy his basic needs.

These needs could be seen as the needs of your ego, as opposed to the needs of your heart. And although social media allows them to receive attention, in the form of ‘likes’ and comments, the main thing they do is allow them to take care of their dopamine addiction.

A closer look

While there may be people who have traded real relationships for attention, there may be others who have never had real relationships to begin with. When it comes to the former, someone may have been through a bad breakup, causing them to shut down emotionally and settle for dopamine doses instead of connecting deeply with real human beings.

On the other hand, when it comes to people who have never experienced deeper connections with others, it could show that their early years were not very enriching. This may have been a time when they had to disconnect from themselves in order to survive.


Receiving care from a distance and not getting too close to anyone will be what will feel safe. Deep down, they may believe that they have inherent flaws and that they would be rejected if they revealed their true selves.

The image they present to the world may be that of someone who is confident, and it may even be aesthetically pleasing, but this will mask what is really going on for them. Your happy face or flawless complexion will be there to make sure people don’t realize what is really going on as this would likely trigger what’s going on deep within them and overwhelm them.

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It could be said that almost all human beings on the planet have the need to experience a deep connection with their fellow men and the earth, and this is because they are part of everything: separation is simply a product of the mind. Therefore, if this connection is broken, it will naturally lead to pain and suffering.

If someone finds it difficult to connect with their fellow man and with nature, it is likely that they show that it is difficult for them to connect with themselves. The reason for this is that the relationship someone has with themselves is what typically defines the relationship they will have with everything else.

What will likely make it difficult for you to connect with your body is trauma, and this may be the result of what you have been through as adults and what happened during your early years, along with what has happened to you. of their ancestors. If someone wants to develop a deeper connection with themselves and with life, they may need to seek the help of a therapist or healer.

Author: admin

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