Traveling has great educational value

The value of traveling as part of education is great. Books give students theoretical knowledge. It is second hand knowledge based on the experiences of others. Traveling gives students basic and practical knowledge. Such knowledge is more valuable and permanent. Personal and practical experiences are never forgotten. They keep us in a good place throughout life.

The value of trips, excursions, expeditions, etc., during school and university days is of much practical importance. They strengthen learning and make education easy and entertaining. Lessons in history, geography, economics, science, etc. it can best be learned by traveling to historical sites, natural sights, factories, large laboratories, and national institutions. Lessons on ecology, environment and forest preservation become easier when visiting slums, industrially degraded places and forests. That is why so much importance is attached to educational tours, expeditions and excursions. The problems of poverty, overpopulation and slums are clarified by visiting the living conditions of the inhabitants of the villages and slums. History lessons become mere book learning without a visit to museums and historical sites.

Education is an ever-ongoing process. It does not end with leaving a school or a university. Life itself is the greatest school and experience the greatest teacher. Traveling takes us to various places and people. It provides us with many new and rich experiences. We come into contact with new people, things and places. The practical knowledge gained through travel is unmatched. Traveling is fundamental to understanding people, places and things.

Traveling broadens our horizon of knowledge. It broadens the mind and enlarges the heart. It’s always nice and entertaining. Modern means of travel are very fast, easy, cheap and convenient. Its speed, safety and reliability are beyond doubt. Students can easily participate in tours and expeditions and gain a rich, practical and highly valuable education. The more trips there are, the richer and more extensive is your training and education. Traveling at an early age is a part of education. Traveling teaches students about unity in the variety and diversity of life.

Traveling promotes feelings of tolerance and brotherhood. It grows and promotes feelings of nationalism. Traveling is a good way to get to know the country, the people, the culture and the history. Increase business and commercial activities. Bring people closer. The promotion of cultural, social and national activities are part of liberal education. It is through travel that a warm, true and genuine friendship and brotherhood can be formed. Traveling favorably changes our attitudes. It makes us enlightened intellectually.

A student who never leaves his city or town has a narrow vision. Her perspective is limited and bookish. He can never realize the true greatness, strength and glorious culture of the country. By travelling, he can easily learn and soak up the integrity and unity of India. It is rightly said that the housewife youth always has a homely wit. Learning is not complete without travel.

Author: admin

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