Using social status to your advantage when dating

The man who can use the things of ‘social status’ to HIS advantage instead of being in a conditioned and powerless model of ‘fitting in’ will have more power and effect in life and with women.

It really is about the true relationships you have with the world around you.

Many men get stuck thinking that a car will make them successful with women, but it is not true. That is just a social element.

They are too caught up in trying to “impress” people and it backfires, especially when it comes to women.

You may be the guy with the bright red Lambo, but does it really say something about you or are you just trying to “impress” others in a pretentious way?

That is based on a superficial and social basis. It will fall under your feet because you cannot depend on others, plus it does not have a natural or main base.

A true man of character does not have to impress others and is focused on himself. If you want a fast (even ‘shiny’) car for the value you get from it and the euphoria you get, that’s a different story, but the real relationship will be told in the way you live your lifestyle.

With as much natural base as I have, I am very aware of “material” things. I know how you can confuse people with the desire to achieve.

But I’m not going to limit myself either. Why? Because I am the best of all worlds. I represent the best and although I am an ‘artist’, I personally choose NOT to be a starving artist.

The car does not belong to me … I own the car. I have true relational authority.

I am the center of attention and it is just one part of MY lifestyle that also represents the level of quality and value that I am personally at.

It is up to you to “own” it and have true relational authority over the things in your life. You attract what you think. Do you want to attract mercenaries and manipulators of pretense and social base into your life?

I want to represent value and respectful authority, so the ‘material’ decisions I make will represent it if I can still afford it.

Why can broken men with shitty cars (like I used to) succeed with women?

Because it is natural. Your attraction response is naturally based; it is not rooted in social pretense. She should value you for who you are rather than your social status.

I’m not promoting being the average ugly guy with a shitty car and being proud of it. Reaching her naturally is the most important thing, but when you have the resources, get something that more fully represents who you are.

The natural character of a woman is the path to sex, I do NOT repeat NOT her social character and her desire for higher social status, gifts or money.

If you base things socially or ‘financially’, a woman will have almost no choice but to use you. She will simply ‘accept’ your gifts because you were playing the social game.

In poverty and wealth I leave money as the focus outside of the relationship. I know that nature is the most important thing. Any social status or value that you have put in its proper place. I have not “exhausted” myself, but by using certain things, it makes me more valuable.

It is as if a man realizes that men, “ooh … he has a feather on his tail” and the equivalent of a woman is, “ooh … he has some money”.

The man made the money, the money did not make the man. The types of relationships you have will show you who you are.

Author: admin

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