Why drink water before and after a massage?

An adult can live for several weeks without food, however, we cannot survive more than 10 days without water. Our body can only lose about 10% of its water and still live. In general, our body dehydrates very quickly. We lose about 2.5 liters of water every day, which we can replace with the liquids and food we consume.

Our body benefits from adequate hydration and it is good to continue drinking water without waiting to be thirsty. If you are thirsty, it means your cells are already dehydrated. A clear sign of severe dehydration is when your urine is dark.

It is highly recommended to drink water before and after a massage, as it makes your muscles much easier to manipulate. During a good massage, your muscles will be stimulated and blood will circulate rapidly throughout the body, at which point water, salt and other minerals are released. Drinking a glass of water will definitely help your body to get rid of the accumulated materials in the muscles. A buildup of these unwanted wastes after massage can mean muscle aches and pains.

Also, many people do not realize that massage can be dehydrating. Manipulating the muscles dehydrates the body and moves fluid into the interstitial spaces between the muscles. It is similar to exercising; you lose water and electrolytes when you exercise. By drinking plenty of water, you can reduce the chances of pain and discomfort in the days after a massage.

Last but not least, some people may feel a little disoriented after the massage; drinking a glass of water can help bring your body and mind back to the present. Drinking water after a massage gives you time to come back to reality and begin the next moments of your life.

Author: admin

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