Your words have power, use them wisely

Are you frustrated with your results and have you made frustrating statements about your business? Do you lack the positivity to say powerful words to motivate yourself? Are you overwhelmed with your circumstances and speak negatively about it? Are you caught in a negative tornado and don’t know the right words to positively talk your way out? You may or may not know it, but there is death and life in the power of your tongue. In short, you can speak of your destiny so that it exists or you can speak so that it does not exist. Either way, you have the power to change your life simply by virtually changing your words.


speaking things into existence

I watch a sermon on TV every day, either in the morning or at night, and recently I have been listening to sermons on the power of the tongue. Of course, as a Minister, I understand this power, but I seem to have been hearing it more lately. Due to the frequency of this message I felt compelled to write to it.

One thing I can tell you is that we are all speaking spirits and every time we speak, we speak to the atmosphere. What we say is what we will have because we talk about things existing. When you speak you are shaping the world around you through every word that comes out of your mouth. This MUST be good news! In fact, when you first look at it, you probably said to yourself that’s great, because I’m an extremely positive person, and that’s why it’s great news… but is it really?

my wife is a genius

My wife and I declared that this year would be one of the most successful we have ever had. However, with that statement we knew it would come with some challenges, especially dealing with four beautiful children, running a ministry, and growing a network marketing business. Due to this schedule, he had been saying that he was tired. My wife told me that all she had been doing was talking about how tired she was and, of course, that was all she felt. When she made me realize my words and I started saying I was well rested, guess what, I actually started getting great nights rest and was well rested. I know it was because I changed some words and I thought it was like that. I went from saying I’m very tired to saying I’m well rested. Interestingly, it’s the same number of four words in each statement. So it took me no more effort to speak positively than to speak negatively.


Gather your mouth, mind, income and health

Ray Higdon said it best, that he wanted to warn us all to be very, very careful about ANYTHING we attach to the sacred words “I am”. He said that everything that follows that sentence is being worked out in his existence. We must remember that we were created as powerful individuals and tThe power of our words it is unfathomable and you must ONLY speak so that the things you really WANT exist in your life.

If we think about it, we never want sickness in our life, but we will say things like “I’m as sick as a dog.” We never really want to be broke, but we will make statements like “I’m broke as a joke.” These may sound like clichés, but they are actually life directors. These words will begin to set our lives on a course that we don’t want but don’t realize when we utter them into the atmosphere what we are going to get.

If you look around you, you are constantly talking about existence in your world. Everything you say, especially when it is attached to I am, becomes your reality. If you say I’m energized, I’m excited, that’s what you are. Whatever you say, you are creating your world, whether it is good or bad. If you keep saying that I’m so tired. What you are saying is creating your existence and you will find yourself so tired.

It amazes me how so many network marketers get to a point while growing their business and start saying things like “I’m confused”, “I’m so overwhelmed”. There are some people who will rationalize such statements by saying “I’m telling it like it is”, but the reality is that if you tell it like it is, you’ll keep it as it is. When you say I am overwhelmed, you are creating a land or a world around you from being overwhelmed. When you say I don’t know what to do, you are creating a world around you in which you won’t know what to do. Become aware of the sounds around you. Be mindful and careful with what you say because what you say is creating the world around you.


Just by changing your vocabulary and just understanding the power that you have through what you are saying, you can literally change your existence. Why don’t you start saying things that serve you and produce good fruit in your life? It’s just as easy to say things like I feel empowered, I feel great, I’m working harder and smarter, I’m building an incredibly knowledgeable group, I have a thriving team, I’m thriving, I’ll find the information, I’m so happy, I have so much energy and enthusiasm, I am so focused. These statements and words will be of great use to you. I know you would not knowingly harm yourself or sabotage your future. Because I know you wouldn’t do this on purpose, so I know his information will be the spark you need to start changing your life. Once you start paying attention to this behavior and changing it, you will see the difference, your words will change your life and you will use them to your advantage. Please stop saying that I’m so confused and don’t know what to do. He starts saying I’m powerful and I’ll figure it out. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the final element of this formula is belief. You MUST believe what you say.

Author: admin

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