6 alarming signs of heart disease

The modern lifestyle and the stress of everyday life have made heart disease one of the main health risks facing people today. Heart disease made up of-

  • arrhythmias
  • Angina pectoris
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • heart failure
  • heart related infections

Most people think that the symptoms of heart disease are obvious: a sudden crushing sensation in the chest and shooting pains in the arm followed by a fall to the ground. But you can develop heart disease without even knowing it, since some heart symptoms don’t even show up in the chest.

Knowing the hidden signs of heart disease is crucial to getting early treatment and preventing more serious health problems. So we’ve put together this quick guide to six of the most alarming hidden signs with their medical reasons, which means all is not well with your ticker.

  1. Lightheadedness and dizziness

Random dizziness or feeling faint can indicate problems like an irregular heartbeat or even a heart attack.

medical reason– A drop in blood pressure or an abnormal heart rate can cause a reduction in the blood supply to the brain.

  1. Reduced exercise tolerance.

Struggling with physical activities that were easy for you before could be an indication that your heart is struggling.

medical reason– When your heart becomes unhealthy, it is less effective at pumping oxygen-rich blood to your muscles, so physical activity becomes more difficult.

  1. spontaneous sweating

Sweating at random times, such as while sitting or relaxing, could be an indication of heart disease.

medical reason– Heart problems can lead to over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which can make you sweat at unexpected times.

  1. Memory loss

Memory loss and dazed thinking is an underestimated sign, it may be first noticed by friends or family before you.

medical reason– Heart problems can cause restricted blood flow to the brain, leading to damage to brain cells and, as a result, memory loss.

  1. Swelling in the feet

Your feet may feel sore and visibly swollen with no obvious explanation. This can go along with a sudden weight gain.

medical reason– If your heart is not pumping well, blood returning to the heart pools and fluid builds up in the tissues of the legs, ankles, and feet.

  1. bread without breast

Chest pain is not the only sign of a heart problem. Pain can also be felt in the shoulders, arms, elbows, jaw, or neck.

medical reason-It is called referred pain, that is, a person feels pain in an area far from the actual source of pain. This can occur when a strong pain stimulus that runs along the nerves overwhelms nearby nerves, causing the pain to be felt elsewhere.

Prevention is still the best cure, whether you have symptoms or not. So follow simple steps like don’t smoke, eat right, exercise, stay healthy and your heart will stay healthy.

Author: admin

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