Dangerous bug threatens high school athletes

There is no sport like wrestling in high school and college. It doesn’t have the following of basketball or soccer, but athletes who choose wrestling as a sport are true competitors. These young men are strong and agile, but there is an opponent that the strongest fighter cannot compete with. That opponent is a staph infection, also known as staph.

The reason staph is so prevalent among wrestlers is skin-to-skin contact and skin-to-mat contact which is unavoidable due to the nature of the sport. Staph and its mutated cousin Methicyl-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are known to kill.

Years ago, the presence of staph was minimal and fighters did not worry about contracting diseases. The worst thing a fighter had to worry about were carpet burns and cauliflower ears. But today’s athlete has this nasty bacteria to worry about. It is estimated that up to 30% of the population carry staph on the skin or in the nose. Fighters get staph infections from skin-to-skin contact, skin-to-mat contact, and sharing headgear and towels.

In 2008, a Florida high school wrestler died of complications from a staph infection. If the infection is not treated, staph can enter the bloodstream and become fatal.

Staph can present as a pimple, an insect bite, or an ingrown hair follicle. Over the course of a few days, the pimple grows progressively until it boils. Once the infection is the size of a boil and / or accompanied by fever and chills, it is imperative that the athlete seek medical attention. The boil will need to be surgically lanced and cleaned and antibiotics are required. This can be done in a doctor’s office, urgent care, or emergency room. Do not under any circumstances bring the boil yourself. In extreme cases, staph can be MRSA. This means that it is resistant to many of the most popular antibiotics and the athlete will most likely need to be hospitalized and receive intravenous antibiotics.

The best way to avoid an infection of any kind is to follow good hygiene. Wrestlers should insist on cleaning the mats after each practice or competition. Wrestlers must not share equipment such as shoes, hats, or towels. Everyone needs to shower after wrestling and use an antibiotic soap. If an athlete notices a painful pimple or boil, especially if it is accompanied by a fever, they should contact their coach, fitness trainer, and parents immediately and seek medical attention. That fighter shouldn’t fight until cleared by a doctor.

Wrestling is a great sport that dates back to ancient Greece. It would be a tragedy if school officials deemed the sport too dangerous due to communicable diseases. If you are the parent of a wrestler, be sure to explain the risks to your student athlete. If you are a fighter, take some responsibility and practice good personal hygiene. Don’t share a team and encourage your teammates to do the same.

Author: admin

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