Diet and corn for candida: is there corn we can have as candida victims?

This time I will put a topic on the effect of corn on the Candida diet. It is basically based on a question from a friend. You know canned sweet corn is no good, but you wonder if there’s anything you can have with corn stuff.

Here are some things to consider about corn. First of all, corn flakes are very high on the glycemic index, which means that your body converts them to sugar faster than it converts table sugar to sugar (ex: glucose). According to the author of “The Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook,” corn is a no-no just because it’s hard to digest. Also, the blood type diet rules out corn for almost everyone.

On the other hand, the macrobiotic diet reveres fresh corn as an energy booster, because it is brightly colored and grows in an “uplifting” way. The Ayurvedic Candida diet does not restrict corn, but it is emphasized that people with poor digestion should not eat too much or with things that stimulate digestion. Cornmeal can be especially drying, and if you’re striving for consistency, you want something lubricating. So Ayurvedic medicine would have you pile ghee on your cornbread, for example. Bernard Jensen says that everyone should have cornmeal porridge for breakfast twice a week, because the magnesium content of cornmeal is very high and, of course, magnesium is good for the intestines. And my doctor’s anti-Candida diet restricts all grains except corn, rice, quinoa, and millet. Amaranth is allowed, but technically it is a seed.

I’ve never seen fresh organic corn in any health food store or even Fresh Fields, so I guess most of what I see comes from GM crops. However, I still eat it from time to time, and it doesn’t provoke a bad reaction from me. I haven’t had mashed cornmeal for breakfast yet because I find it a bit depressing, a bit heartburn provoking. I’ll let you know if I’ve tried it.

Author: admin

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