Farmers Insurance Agent provides tips for dealing with identity theft

Nearly 60 million Americans have been affected by identity theft, according to a 2018 online survey by The Harris Poll. That same survey indicates that nearly 15 million consumers experienced identity theft in 2017. Fraud or identity theft occurs when thieves use your personal information to commit a crime, whether it’s stealing your credit card information or using your number. Social Security to set up a fraudulent bank. bill. The Omaha Farmers Insurance Agent recommends the following steps after and even before identity theft occurs:

  1. Understand the dangers: One of the best ways to prevent identity theft is to understand the many ways it works. It can involve devices that steal your credit card numbers when you make a purchase, or a sophisticated hacking scheme, but there are plenty of low-tech methods as well. Sometimes thieves rummage through dumpsters, for example, to find your bank or investment statements or other confidential documents. If you think this has happened to you or is likely to happen, you may want to consider buying a paper shredder or simply tearing up your statements before throwing them away to make it harder for thieves to get information from them. If you are a small business owner, be aware that federal and state laws have been enacted for businesses that employ only one worker, requiring that they destroy confidential information before disposing of it. These laws will only get stricter over time and will be broader in scope.

  2. Phishing – Don’t Take The Bait – Phishing has been around for a while, but scammers continue to come up with new angles, so it’s wise to be on your guard. Phishing typically involves a fake email or other communication that is designed to appear to come from your bank or other financial institution or even a government agency. The message prompts you to click on a link where you will be asked to disclose sensitive financial information. If you receive this type of communication, please make a phone call to the organization purporting to be sorry, to confirm that it is legitimate. In most cases, you will probably find that it is not.

  3. Keep up with your credit scores – Identity thieves not only steal your credit card number, but they can also set up completely separate accounts in your name and then neglect to pay the bills they run up. One way to find out if this is happening to you is to monitor your credit scores with the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). If you discover accounts you’ve never heard of, you may be able to avoid some of the consequences of identity theft, including the damage it can do to your credit score.

  4. Don’t share too much on social media: Many people reveal their full birthdays and personal details, like school or pet names, on Facebook or other social media accounts. Unfortunately, this is just the type of information that financial institutions and other organizations use to verify your identity before allowing you access to your account. While it’s fun to share these details with friends, there’s a great danger that thieves will use them to drain your bank account, rack up charges in your name, or open an account you know nothing about. Before you improve your online profile, consider how an identity thief might use those details.

  5. Act quickly – If you discover that your identity has been stolen, there are a number of steps you should take immediately. File a police report to establish a record of the theft and the consequences you discovered. Question any transactions involving the merchants or financial institutions involved, and close any accounts the thieves may have had access to. Report the problem to the credit reporting agencies and request that your credit reports be corrected and a fraud alert placed on your records. Also let your creditors know about the problem in case a change in your credit score affects your loan options. Finally, consider filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, which will provide you with an Identity Theft Complaint Form.

Through hard work, dedication, and passionate and professional attention to client needs, Manley and his small team at his Farmers Insurance agency in Omaha, Nebraska, have grown the agency into the largest Farmers Insurance agency of the state. Her agency is also the second largest in the entire Farmers Insurance region.

Manley’s service to the community includes support for Siena/Francis House, Restoration Exchange, Homeward Bound Animal Rescue, Ronald McDonald House, and The Stephen Center.

Give him a call at (402) 391-1656 and he’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Author: admin

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