How to Build Muscle the Old Fashioned Way: 3 Tips for Real Success

Are you annoyed with all the hype out there on the internet about bodybuilding? There seems to be a lot of confusion on the subject. There is no need to be lost in the dark. You can learn the real answer to your question today.

Tip #1: What you need

There are really only 3 components to take your physique from zero to hero. You need a good diet, a solid sleep schedule, and the right weight training routine. There is. It doesn’t take a lot of money or hassle to make this happen. You must align all three in a plan to build muscle in a matter of weeks.

Tip #2: What you don’t need

Flipping through many fitness magazines, you will discover that there are many products. Ads make you feel like you need them all. The truth is that there is no magic pill. There are things that can help you along the way, but you have to work ahead of time.

Tip #3: Action plan to make it all happen

You’ll want to start with tonight. Sleep will be your best ally to gain real body mass. You’ll want to get at least six to eight hours a night. This downtime is essential to your success.

So you’ll want to get into a good cardio routine two to three times a week. This will help reduce excess fat on your body and show off the muscle growth underneath.

Hit the gym and start a solid training regiment. This could include squats, incline presses, and deadlifts. These are great for allowing you to work multiple muscle groups at once. You’ll want to do this exercise about three to four times a week for good results.

Additional Tips to Accelerate Growth

Still want to know more about how to build muscle the old-fashioned way? Then you’ll want to add them to your list. You will want to drink plenty of water every day. Your body needs this to support your routine. Try to eat five to six times a day in small portions to sustain yourself. These meals should consist of protein, carbohydrates, and good fats.

A good example of this would be chicken, rice, and avocado. You should also try to allow a rest day after doing any type of weight lifting.

Author: admin

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