How to refinish kitchen cabinets

There are many books and tutorials on how to restore kitchen cabinets available. The truth is that an article cannot make you an expert, but I hope you find the information contained here useful.

So your kitchen cabinets are getting stale and the years have worn them down. They probably appear to have white spots or white lines, some along the pimples and all. How you should restore them is the question I will try to answer here.

So if you want to remove kitchen deposits and restore cabinets to shape, you should try a wood cleaner. Examples include Net-TrolĀ®, Bruce Clean & Strip, Trewax Wood Oxalic Acid (also known as wood bleach), Trisodium, Pledge, Murphy’s Oil Soap, environmentally safe wood cleaner such as Preserva Products(TM) or Wood Renewer(TM) Cleaner. You can also try a refinish like Clinique’s Surfacing Lacquer, AuralTech CD Refinishing or Total Turnaround Concentrate.

The question of how to restore kitchen cabinets can be answered in several ways. What I mean by this? Well, as highlighted above, you have several options to choose from. For example, even before repainting cabinets, you can simply use regular cleaning methods, which depend on the materials.

For example, for painted, metal or vinyl surfaces you can use warm water and detergent. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly under running water, then dry with a lint-free cloth.

As you can see, there are basically a lot of options on how to restore kitchen cabinets. In fact, you might even try waterless, grain-free hand cleaners like Permatex blue Label hand cleaner and 4/0 steel wool. You can use mineral spirits or clean, dry towels or rags. Whatever product you use, simply rub in well and then rinse with cool water and pat dry.

Once you’ve done the scrubbing, you can follow up with a wood polish and then apply a good wood oil as a finishing step.

Author: admin

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