Liar, Liar – Do what you fear – Face the consequences truth procrastination

Cosmic Therapy MODE: Stop The Blame Game.

It is not necessary to persist in complaining and criticizing those aspects (actions) in another when in reality they reflect a sincere desire to alter an annoying trait in oneself. You are aware of the suppressed inability to activate the adjustment in yourself, but you simply deny it and refuse to face it. You who are shouting “Change, Change, Change” will not see that you are the culprit you are talking to. At some point along the way in life, you were filled with such sanctimonious attitudes and beliefs that somehow made you feel superior to those who inhabit your space. You have placed your high and mighty self in the most unfavorable position of judge and jury to the exhausting point of nausea. You have convinced yourself that it is much easier and less humiliating to blame the other for your own inadequacies and fear of letting go. You really can’t stand your irresponsible actions, but you don’t know how to stop the family routine.

What would it really take for you to break with that rigid self-righteous attitude? Do you honestly think that IF you ‘allow’ the drill sergeant’s schedule, the effects would cause you some kind of unimaginable loss or irreplaceable damage? Don’t you realize you can’t force someone to do something they don’t want to do? If you would stop long enough to see what he is trying to do; a shimmering ray of moonbeam can enter the life picture of him, which would otherwise be dull and monotonous. By removing the need to be considered someone who is so ‘good’, knowledgeable, in charge, ‘got it all’, the commanding general who sets the standard for others, the self-proclaimed steward for correct, acceptable and proper conduct, and last but not least, the indispensable partner who can do no wrong, you could actually relax, unwind, enjoy life and have real fun. [Not to mention how much more rewarding and fulfilling your otherwise smothering abrasive behavior would lesson].

You and your so-called high moral judgments are disgusting. You are too biting and caustic in your approach to everything, everyone, every topic of conversation. Give it a break. Come down from your ‘ivory tower of self-sanctioned idealistic sainthood, martyrdom and gatekeeper privileges’ to the land of the rest of us raunchy, real, alive, blood-pumping, vein-pounding, appetite-serving, waiting/screaming, sensual fun / sexual loving ordinary people who just want to have a good time [laughing alot] while breathing on this planet called Earth.. What’s wrong with that? Who wants to live with an unapproachable priest who has 10 million skeletons in his own closet and, at the same time, pays penance by delivering ‘damn them’ sermons and giving ultimatums to everyone else in the congregation?

It’s time to let go of your supposed hold. Acknowledge that you make mistakes and that you don’t really know what is right in every situation and for every person you say you care about. Guess what? You’re not supposed to know. That falls into a much higher domain than the one you currently reside in. The bottom line: you are a liar and the life in which you are investing so much deliberate concentrated effort clenching your teeth grinding your teeth to hold yourself together is also a lie. Truth needs no maintenance or prison walls to enslave. In order to find a workable, acceptable and interactive resolution to your particular situation, you must come to terms with ‘letting go’. It’s a matter of letting go of the reins of the runaway horse. Do you honestly believe that you can change the energy of instinctive ‘will and desire’?

It’s time to integrate various parts of your sloppy artistic sensual sexual sacred persona into the outdated image. Integration requires the skillful addition of various elements to the personality that have been overlooked, undervalued, or dissociated. In order for you to do this, you must openly admit that you are HUMAN, just like the rest of us. You have perfectly natural needs, desires, and fantasies that need expression. You, due to the diligent work invested, in order to maintain control, many times (unconsciously) project onto another the fundamental fragments of unreflected unhealthy needs, habits and desires. To be fully integrated requires a careful and committed effort of self-care. You don’t necessarily like what you see in another simply because it is the most faithful mirror of yourself. When you don’t accept the associated deviant variations, you engage in mind games to compensate for the uncomfortable and unpleasant ideas and obsessively neurotic feelings you feel and experience. Either you choose not to associate with that particular person or you talk outrageously about him/her behind his/her back, not realizing that you are adding insult to injury by being ‘two-faced and fake’. Or, even worse, you continue to live with the person you “profess to love” constantly reminding them how terrible, ungrateful, ungrateful, rude, insensitive, and inconsiderate.

At the other end of the spectrum, you may so falsely admire the qualities of another (fictitiously created out of a desperate need to see them in yourself) that you begin semi-idolatric worship for the very same reason. Once again, you have ignored the genuine need to reflect yourself in a more honest way, and have instead chosen to elevate the status, value, and value of your innate qualities to the other. You inadvertently establish dependence on the other to supply what you think you lack. In the end there will be a self-defeating and demoralizing effect that will bite you. Accept the fact that you are scared, lazy and spoiled. You refuse to ‘show up for your life’.

No one should be straddling a responsibility so ominous that they have to continually add security or peace of mind to it. You must face your own self created and self inflicted demons, fight them to regain the traits that are to be admired and respected in yourself. Eliminate self-basement posture. You must initiate a practicable evolutionary relationship that requires the intonation of genuine responses based on legitimate authentic instincts, not lip service. If you are so concerned about how the other will react to his opinion, it will not be truthful at all, but a salty-dog expression of false aspiration and desired outcome. You seek in vain the lust of the result. For any relationship to begin to flourish, you must carefully observe your inner feelings before speaking or reacting in any given situation. What is going on deep in your gut? Has participation grown beyond the point of interest? Are you just holding on out of desperation, loneliness, or insecurity?

The integration of the artistic self must take place first before any shred of genuine desire to maintain a healthy relationship can occur. Usually when a relationship going south, so to speak, it is because one or the other is not being true but falsifying existence until, at some point, you maintain, things will improve. The raw fact of the matter, however, is that ‘things’ won’t get better until you make a move to ‘turn the tables’ by exposing your talents and true sexual needs. You must be willing to determine your sacred erotic desires in order to embrace the side of your nature that you hate and fear so much. Your idea of ​​good and evil has to be fully shot to galaxy 16 on the other side of nowhere. At the base of this miserable state is the inability to deal with the importance of reputation, status, career and ‘supposed’ respectability in your life. Screw it down to release the stun barrier. This single act of hidden courage will expose the liberating artistic fabric that weaves the associated character (temperature) into the relationship with the other person as well.

Liar, Liar gasps in flames. Take care of that “impulse surge” immediately.

Author: admin

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