Lose abdominal fat and get a flat stomach with laser liposuction

We all want to lose belly fat and have a flat stomach, but the amount of exercise and diet required to get firm abs is beyond what most of us can reasonably achieve. As we get older, past the age of 30, our body’s metabolism slows down and it becomes much more difficult to lose belly fat. Those of us who have sedentary jobs that do not involve vigorous physical activity experience laxity in our abdominal muscles that normally hold our stomach contents tight to create a flat stomach. As we gain weight and our muscles relax, we develop a protruding abdomen, or tummy.

Women who have had babies find it very difficult to lose belly fat and have a flat stomach. I have seen hundreds of very fit, health conscious, and physically active women in my practice who have done everything right and just can’t lose their pregnancy belly fat. The tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck has helped many people to have a flat stomach, but many do not want the surgery and the scars associated with the surgery.

New laser liposuction technology allows me to offer patients who want to lose abdominal fat and have a flat abdomen an effective, minimally invasive procedure that, in many cases, is just as effective as a tummy tuck.

What causes belly fat and stomach fat?

There are several components that cause a fat stomach, tummy, or flabby tummy. Laser liposuction can remove abdominal fat under the skin and achieve tightening of loose skin on the abdomen. However, laser liposuction cannot tighten stomach muscles or abdominal muscles. To tighten your stomach muscles, you will need to do stomach exercises or abdominal exercises.

Laser liposuction also cannot remove the fat inside your abdomen, the intra-abdominal fat, called mesenteric fat, that wraps around your intestine. If you are severely overweight or obese, only a meaningful diet will help you lose the belly fat that is inside your abdomen.

The various causes of belly fat or a fat belly or belly are:

– Intra-abdominal fat-Fat fulfills a very important survival function. Fat stores energy to provide nutrition during periods when we do not have adequate food intake. Thus, fat is a survival mechanism during periods of starvation. Fat is stored inside the abdomen in a structure called the mesentery. The mesentery wraps around our intestines and supports the intestines. Huge amounts of fat can be present in the mesentery when we are overweight or obese. When there is excess intra-abdominal fat in the mesentery, the fat pushes and stretches the abdominal wall muscles and creates a fat tummy. Only diet or caloric restriction can cause intra-abdominal fat to be used for energy production and disappear.

– Abdominal wall laxity-The abdominal muscles (abdominal wall), called abdominals, hold our intestines and abdominal contents in the abdomen. These muscles can stretch and loosen after heavy weight gain, pregnancy, and inactivity. When the abdominal muscles, or abdominal wall, lose tone, stretch, or relax, the contents of the inside of the abdomen push the abdominal wall forward, creating a fat tummy, or tummy. Tightening of the abdominal wall, that is, restoring the tone of the abdominal or tummy muscles, can only be achieved with abdominal exercises and conditioning of the tummy muscles or with abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery.

– Subcutaneous fat under the skin of the belly– The fat directly under the skin of the belly also stores fat. This fat is called subcutaneous fat (under the skin) and is normally about 1/2 inch thick in most people. When we gain weight and have excess fat, this layer of subcutaneous fat becomes thicker, sometimes up to 4 or 5 inches thick. Laser liposuction is a very effective technique to remove subcutaneous fat. The heat from the laser melts the fat into a thin liquid that is easily removed by suction through very small tubes called cannulas.

– Loose skin on the belly-Multiple pregnancies and repeated weight gain stretch the abdominal skin and create loose skin on the belly or tummy. The biggest advance in laser liposuction is the ability of the laser to tighten the skin of the stomach. Previous liposuction techniques removed fat, but left loose skin on the abdomen or tummy after fat removal. With laser liposuction, heat from the laser tightens the skin during the laser fat-dissolving process.

Laser liposuction to lose abdominal fat and flatten the stomach

Because fiber laser liposuction dissolves fat into a thin liquid, fat removal is much easier. This allows the surgeon to use very small tubes or cannulas to suction fat from the skin of the abdomen. As a result, all that is required are very small holes, usually placed inside the belly button. This means very small, almost invisible scars. Also, in my experience, after laser liposuction, the skin is left smooth, without the lumps, bumps, or contour deformities often seen with traditional liposuction.

The skin tightening following this new technique has been truly remarkable in my experience. On patients who are fit and not overweight, I have been able to perform laser body sculpting to truly reveal the contour of the abdominal muscles after healing. In the words of one of my patients “I got my abs back”.

My patients seem to recover faster after this new procedure. Many say they felt fine the day after the procedure. However, I ask my patients not to return to vigorous or strenuous activity or exercise for at least two weeks.

If you are not obese or very overweight and want to improve the contour of your abdomen, then these new techniques may be what you are looking for.

Author: admin

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