Secrets to a successful network: Set your business on fire!

Networking isn’t just for real estate agents; is a valuable tool for all savvy business leaders. Meeting people in a variety of industries can lead to all kinds of partnerships. Think about the people you know. How have those relationships improved your business?

No matter what type of business you operate, whether you’re an independent contractor, store owner, infopreneur, professional speaker, or consultant, networking can take your business to new heights.

Advantages of networking

* Meet Potential Clients. No matter where you go, you have the opportunity to meet people who could become customers for your business.

*Create Strategic Alliances. As you meet someone new, you may find that you have common interests or goals. If so, suggest a way to work together.

* Increased word of mouth. One of the best advertisements that money can’t buy is word of mouth. The more people learn about you and your business, the better chance you have of spreading the word about your offers.

*Develop Six Degrees of Separation. You never know where a new alliance can lead. I’ve had friendly business contacts who referred me to talks (which later led to other talks), media exposure (which led to lots of new clients), new business opportunities (which led to exposure and revenue), and marketing campaigns. (extending my reach with little cost or effort). Your new client might introduce you to another associate, and that person might introduce you to someone else, and so on.

* Learn something new. Savvy business leaders know that to stay on top of their game, they need to continually learn more about their industry. You have the opportunity to learn something from every person you meet. You could discover a new business process, useful technology, industry trend, or creative marketing strategy.

*Challenge yourself. When you meet someone whose level of success is higher than yours, challenge yourself to take your business to the next level. Let that person’s success inspire you to achieve more.

Twenty five steps to a successful network

1. Evaluate your handshake. This may seem like a no-brainer, but unfortunately a lot of people lose the ball on this one. Your handshake should be firm and confident without breaking bones. This is true for both women and men.

2. Watch your body language. Nothing is more subtle than body language. Look at a room full of people to see how different each one looks. Self-confident people stand tall, hold their heads high, and often speak with their hands. Shy or awkward people cross their arms in front of them, lower their heads, and appear disinterested. Who would you rather approach? Someone who looks miserable and closed off or someone who is confident and relaxed? Look in a mirror. See how much better you look when your posture is strong and your arms are at your side.

3. Maximize the value of your business card. Make sure the information on your card is current and accurate. There’s nothing worse than someone handing you a card and saying, “Oh, but my phone number has changed. Let me write it down there for you.” Even if you have new cards on order, you can buy blank cardstock at the office supply store and print some temporary cards so you always portray a professional image. You can also add value to your card by printing something on the back, like a calendar or list of resources.

4. Prepare an elevator pitch. You should have a 30 second sound byte that you can give every time you meet someone new. Your pitch should explain who you are and what you do, and it should be short and compelling.

5. Define your purpose. Attending networking events won’t be of much value if you don’t know why you’re there. Are you interested in finding clients? Find new business partners? Clearly define your goals so you can get the most out of your efforts.

6. Say cheese. Smiling at someone instantly puts them at ease and it’s part of human nature to “mirror” the other person. Notice how when you smile at someone, they automatically smile back. The added benefit is that the act of smiling has magical power to make a person feel better. So if you come across someone having a bad day, you smile and make them smile, you have subconsciously given them a reason to like you!

7. Make them crack. Humor is a wonderful icebreaker. Avoid jokes or inappropriate comments, but try to inject some humor into your conversations. Funny people are naturally magnetic to others. You can still be a serious business person with a good sense of humor.

8. Use small talk. When you meet or introduce yourself to a new contact, start with small talk. Ask the contact what they do, where they live, how far they traveled to get to the event, or what brought them to the event. Develop a standard list of questions that you will use to start and keep small conversation with new people.

9. Keep moving. Do not hold the wall or stay in one place for a long time. Make the most of your networking time by moving frequently and ending conversations that have reached their peak value. If you want to get away from the person you’re talking to, you could say, “It’s been nice talking to you. I have other people I need to meet with, so I hope we can keep in touch.”

10. Offer your business card. The best time to exchange business cards is usually near the end of the conversation. Giving the contact your card will usually ask them to give you theirs in return. If this doesn’t happen automatically, just ask.

11. Remember to offer value. Networking should be a two-way street. If you want someone to help you, you must offer them something that will help them. Offer interesting contacts or resources and maintain the reciprocal relationship.

12. Never monopolize a conversation. There is nothing more unpleasant than someone who does nothing but talk about himself. Make sure that your interactions always go in two directions.

13. Ask questions. People love to talk about themselves. Ask questions that evoke more than a Yes or No answer. By asking questions and showing genuine interest in the answers, you automatically build a rapport with the person you’re talking to. They will most likely leave the conversation remembering that they liked you.

14. Drop a line. Send an email, or better yet, a handwritten note, to let the person know that you enjoyed meeting them. Try to point to something specific you talked about to refresh your memory in case you met a lot of people and can’t remember exactly who you are. For example, you could say, “It was nice meeting you at the cocktail party. I enjoyed our conversation about Minnesota. I hope we can keep in touch and find a way to work together in the future.”

15. Tracking. If you’ve offered to submit something, such as an article or recommendation, be sure to keep your promises. Send any materials within a week of the meeting.

16. Organize your contacts. The new people you meet may not fill an immediate need in your networking strategy, but they could be a good resource in the future. Record each person you meet in a contact database with a note about when and where you met and what the conversation was about.

17. Remember the details. I once had a dentist who I really enjoyed seeing because I always found it remarkable that he remembered details about me, even if I hadn’t seen him in two years. He’d say, “How’s your job going? Last time I saw you, you’d just been promoted.” I eventually realized that he made notes in my file after each visit, but even knowing this, I still appreciated that he personalized our interactions. You will meet many people in your business life, and you may not remember all the details. Be sure to take notes on your contact database even if the items seem trivial. For example, for Joe Schmoe you might write: “Going to Hawaii in December, has two teenage daughters, Raider fan, likes vodka tonics.” Check your card before your next meeting so you have some talking points ready.

18. Check your contacts. If someone mentions that they’re building a website, offer the contact information of a great website designer you know. If someone mentions going on vacation, refer your pet sitter. No matter how insignificant it may seem, it can earn you the loyalty of both those you refer and the people you recommend them to. Eventually this good karma will return.

19. Let them know. If you see one of your contacts mentioned in the media or notice a shiny new ad in a trade magazine, send an email and let them know. You might say, “Hey, I saw the article about you in Business Today magazine. Congratulations!”

20. Offer an invite for lunch or coffee. Although we all have busy schedules, we also have to take time to eat. If he wants to spend more time with your new contact, offer to buy him a lunch or coffee. Most people appreciate a free meal and the chance to interact with someone attractive.

21. Keep it light. If you plan to meet a business contact for a meal, avoid jumping right into a business discussion. It’s best to keep the conversation light and informal at least until the food arrives. Start by developing a report and talking about personal (not too personal!) topics and then move on to a business discussion.

22. Hold a networking event. If you want to increase your business contacts on your own terms, organize your own networking event. Invite local business organizations, colleagues, customers, and business partners. Offer basic snacks like cheap coffee and cookies or turn it up a notch and offer some food. Encourage people to mingle and exchange business cards. This can be a wonderful way to showcase your business.

23. Join the Chamber of Commerce. Networking opportunities abound, and you can make great connections by reaching out to your local business community. Be sure to attend events and participate in all chamber-sponsored programs.

24. Join Local Business Organizations. Many organizations hold regular meetups and free seminars, giving you another valuable networking opportunity.

25. Join everything. Even the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) can be a great place to network. Join book clubs, writing groups, or any group that interests you, even if it’s not directly related to your business. Be known by all. They will associate you with your business as soon as they meet you, your mother’s presence at functions could serve as a reminder and make members want to do business with you. In a short time you will have an excellent database of contacts and you will begin to weave a network of opportunities.

It takes time to develop a network of business alliances, so the sooner you start, the sooner you can reap the rewards. Treat every event you attend as an opportunity to meet new and interesting people. Set a personal goal to attend at least two events each month and soon your business will be flourishing in wonderful new ways.

Author: admin

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