Should Your Teamevent Be Held Virtually Or in Person?

Teamevent Be Held Virtually

With the pandemic over, teams are eager to get back to their regular work schedules. That means your teamevent may be able to resume as planned or it could have to be shifted online to meet everyone’s availability. Either way, it is crucial to understand how to choose whether an in-person or virtual event will be best for your company and employees.

The type of Teamevent you choose will depend on a variety of factors, including the amount of people you’re inviting and your budget. In-person events require a lot of planning, reservations and preparations. They also typically have strict connectivity requirements for all participants. For example, you’ll need to ensure everyone has access to the video conference platform used and knows how to connect. Additionally, the number of participants can impact how much space you need for your activities.

In-person events tend to have the advantage of making it easier for hosts or presenters to detect body language and social cues. This can help the event feel more personally invested and hold attention a bit longer. Additionally, there’s often a palpable energy at in-person events that can get lost during a virtual one.

Should Your Teamevent Be Held Virtually Or in Person?

While you may not be able to recreate the excitement of a boisterous CEO or two having one too many shandies at a trade show, your team can still build relationships and learn from the experts in the field by attending a virtual event. In fact, there are quite a few benefits of hosting virtual team building activities, which can include improved communication between team members, increased staff loyalty, better decision-making and out-of-the-box thinking.

However, virtual events can also have their downsides. Virtual meetings may feel impersonal, and they can be difficult to monitor engagement. Plus, some platforms have specific time limits that can be reached, which can make it hard to keep a teamevent running. If you’re unsure which option is right for your company, why not consider holding a hybrid event? Hybrid events allow for a combination of in-person and virtual activities, and can be tailored to your company’s needs.

For example, you can add hidden pages to your registration website where team leaders can include clues for a high-energy scavenger hunt. Asking teammates to divide into pairs and then go on a quest to find each clue is a fun way for teammates to bond while using critical thinking skills to solve the problem. Adding a timer and deducting points for not answering correctly can add an element of competition to the activity.

Another great example is a chain reaction exercise where different teams are given the task of building each section of a ball track. When all teams are finished, it creates a chain reaction that demonstrates how each member’s work is needed for the overall success of an event. These types of collaborative activities can really show team members that together, they are stronger than they are individually.

Author: admin

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