Snore like a banshee

Does the title above refer to you? If you snore like a banshee, or any other noisy creature, you really should consider trying to figure out why.

Here is a true story. I used to snore so loud that I would wake up and hear myself snore! I’m not sure if any of you have experienced the same phenomenon, but if he has, I’m sure he would have found it just as disturbing as I did.

I had never heard the noise it made before, so I didn’t take my snoring seriously. Sure, my wife kept bugging me about it, and the fact that she couldn’t stay in the same bed as me for very long was evidence of the problem. But it wasn’t until I actually heard it for myself that I started to worry.

I can only really describe it as a loud wailing sound. I don’t know how anyone in the house could sleep.

By the time I woke up my mouth was open, like I was trying to eat a pork pie or something. He was actually screaming… like a banshee!

So, if you’ve ever woken up and heard yourself physically snoring, and your mouth is wide open at the time, you can assume you’re a “mouth snorer.”

What is an oral snorer?

Well, pretty much as described really. Snoring through the mouth. We are designed to breathe through our nostrils while we sleep. If these ducts are blocked in some way, like when you have a cold, the mouth takes over. Your snoring becomes deafening.

Trying to stop nature from going your way can be difficult. One of those ways is to wear what is called a chin strap.

This item is a neoprene strap that is designed to wrap around your chin and the back of your head and close your mouth effectively at night. Its not cute. You won’t look very attractive in it, so don’t expect your wife to climb on top of you at bedtime.

However, it is very easy to install and use, not too expensive and not intrusive. It is a machine washable item and folds compactly for storage when not in use.

Many people have reported significant success with this device. They also reported that after some nights they are not even aware of their presence. So it must be quite comfortable.

So if you snore like a banshee and are worried you might be an oral snorer, it’s definitely worth considering investing in one of these. There are many different types and sizes available on the Internet.

Author: admin

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