Spanish Kids Song / Cancion Infantil: Un Patito (The Duckling)

“Un Patito” (Duckling) is a simple children’s song in Spanish, which makes it a good place to start brushing up on your Spanish. One of the special memories of my childhood is of my mother singing “Un Patito” to me, of us singing it together, of singing it with my sister, in many different times and places. Even as an adult, I find myself singing it from time to time, when there are no children around, simply because it is something happy to do.

Lyrics of “Little Duckling” in spanish:

Lyrics for “Un Patito”:

1. I have a duckling

2. That my mother understands me

3. Can sing, can dance

4. And when the sun goes down

5. The sad duckling is

6. No, come on

7. And the poor thing will get sick

Note: In line 7, my mother always substituted “sick” (which means to get sick) for the fatal “die” from the original song; (wanting to die).

Here is a close general translation:

The general translation from Spanish to English is made to sound like a native English speaker, to give you an idea of ​​the feeling, mood and meaning of the original piece. Some translations are made to sound poetic in the second language, with an end result that can vary greatly from the original. This translation is very close to Spanish.

Lyrics of “El patito”:

1. I have a duckling

2. That my mother bought me.

3. Can sing and can dance.

4. When the sun goes down,

5. The duckling gets sad.

6. Loses appetite, no longer eats,

7. And the poor thing gets sick.

Here’s the word-for-word translation:

A translation with word-for-word correspondence sounds terrible, because the way we express ourselves in different languages ​​varies. However, it is a worthwhile exercise if you want to learn the structure and expression of sentences in Spanish. Practicing this type of exercise will help you, when you want to translate something backwards; from English to Spanish.

Lyrics [lyrics] from [of] “TO [one] Duckling [duckling]”:

1 one [one] duckling [duckling] I have [have] me [I]

2. That [which] half [my] Mommy [mother] I [for me] understand [bought]

3. Know [it knows] sing [to sing], knows [it knows] dance [to dance],

4. AND [And] When [when] I know [itself] put [puts] the [the] I usually [sun]

5. The [the] duckling [duckling] sad [sad] this [is]

6. No [no] come[eat] already[anymore]

7. AND [and] the [the] poor [poor little one] I know [itself]will get sick [becomes sick]

To truly enjoy the Spanish nursery rhyme “Un Patito”, you would have to hear it in my mother’s happy singing voice. However, I hope these lyrics and translations are helpful in improving your command of Spanish.

Author: admin

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