The Flex Shaper Workout – Hot or Not?

As a personal trainer, clients always ask me what is the best way to tone their shoulders, arms, back, and chest so they can reshape muscle definition, tighten sagging flesh around the upper arms, and have beautiful shoulders to show off. strappy blouses

Until now, I have always talked to them about exercises with dumbbells and resistance bands, shown them how to use their body weight to exercise, or instructed them in the use of resistance machines in the gym. But now I’ve found something new that will tone your entire upper body and legs too, it’s completely portable and lightweight and costs a lot less than a gym membership. It’s called the Flex Shaper and I like it, so I’m doing some Flex Shaper reviews. It’s portable, smart, gives great results and is easy to use, as well as good value for money. That ticks all my boxes!

Having a piece of home exercise equipment like the Flex Shaper works like a bargain as you can tone several major muscle groups with it. Flex it overhead for shapely shoulders; pull it towards you to get a beautiful back; hold it under his arm to tone those biceps and push it down to trim those wobbly triceps. Even more, the Flex Shaper can also trim your lower body; squeeze the Flex Shaper between your knees to work your inner thighs and produce sleek, shapely legs.

The unique selling point of this new beast is the coil spring bit in the center that provides resistance in both directions. When you squeeze the handles toward each other (the concentric phase of the exercise), this requires your muscles to tense and shorten, making those muscles work and toning them. But with Flex Shaper your muscles also have to control the return phase of the exercise, unlike conventional exercise tools. This is the eccentric part of the exercise: your muscles lengthen, but they still have to work.

At this point, if you were working out with dumbbells or a resistance band, you’d have to keep repeating the exercise for best effect, but the Flex Shaper has made your muscles work twice as hard with just one rep, so you’re doubling your results. This means shorter workouts, which pleases me and my clients to no end! And doing this type of training gives good results in less time, producing long, lean, well-shaped muscles without bulking up and burning a lot of calories at the same time.

It’s pretty hard to tone your upper back, upper shoulder, and front upper arm muscles without equipment, so if I had to pick one piece, I’d probably pick this new Flex Shaper, small enough to hide it. away anywhere in your home, light enough to carry in your case on the go and versatile enough to tone your entire upper body and thighs too. And did I mention it costs less than a month’s gym membership? Sounds good to me!

Author: admin

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