Tips for buying ice skating equipment

If you love ice skating gear, you may be looking for a good guide with helpful tips. If so, this guide will help you choose the right clothing, especially the best ice skating gear. Read on for more information.

best ice skates

It is important to decide what activity you are going to do before you go for a pair of ice skates. Actually, each team has its own skating requirements and you should be aware of these requirements before you buy your first team.


Let’s talk about figure skating first. This type of skating requires performers to do spins, jumps, and sharp turns or a combination of these while playing. For these reasons, figure skates should be flexible and made of quality leather.

ice hockey skates

Figure skates are designed for grace and speed. But ice hockey shoes are designed in a way that they can also withstand intense sport. Unlike figure skates, ice hockey boots do not fit properly around the player’s ankles. Rather, they are thinner and flatter. In addition, these skates are light, but offer much more support to the player’s feet, since the blades are round at the back.

speed skates

For speed skating, you need to make quick movements with your feet. For this reason, speed skates come with long, thin blades. Apart from this, they are designed in a way that they are not connected to the strong heel of the boots, which prevents the blades from sinking deep into the ice. As a result, the player slows down due to friction. If you are a beginner, we do not recommend these skates.

The best fitting ice skates

If you are just starting out and looking for a piece of equipment to learn some basics of the sport, we suggest you go for figure skates. They will help you learn basic moves without any difficulty.

When you try on an outfit, make sure it fits you. Don’t look for a pair that is too loose or too tight. If these requirements are not followed, you may end up injuring your feet or ankles. The equipment should support your feet as you play.

ice skating clothes

While ice skating, you need to keep yourself warm and comfortable. For this, be sure to wear thick socks and tights while outside in the cold. Aside from this, your clothing should be tight, not baggy. The clothing should be durable and should restrict the pain that you will experience during the first few days of the sport.

For accessories, you can opt for eye or head protection as well as a good pair of high-quality insulating gloves. Gloves will protect your hands in case you fall onto the ice while skating, which happens quite often.

So, here are some tips to help you buy the right pair of ice skating gear. Hopefully you can play nice wearing your favorite ice skating gear.

Author: admin

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