Toxic ziploc tortilla procedure

In several of my previous articles, I have praised all the benefits associated with the popular Zip-lock storage bags. These points praising the usefulness of zippers are still valid, however, several readers of my articles have written to me describing a very dangerous cooking procedure that they had heard about zippers. I have written this article to warn my survival readers about this present danger.

Although Rachael Ray can use it and others recommend it, the use of plastic zippers in tortilla making is not suggested. This method of using zip-lock plastic bags can be very dangerous. Those mouth-watering zip-lock tortillas are definitely extremely toxic.

The University of Illinois has released a statement saying that Ziploc tortillas represent nothing more than a toxic cocktail. All those quick omelet instructions that you can find on the internet or possibly see on the food channel can be terribly misleading. The practice of cooking with plastic bags has not received the necessary exploratory research. There is simply not enough research data to determine whether the process is dangerous or not due. Within the process there is the possibility that cancer generates a decomposition associated with the contact of plastics with food during the cooking period.

The Ziploc Company, SC Johnson and his son voluntarily state that their brand of plastic bags should not be used to boil food. They have revealed that under no circumstances do they advocate using the bag in boiling water. Zip lock bags are made of polyethylene plastic that is predisposed to soften when subjected to temperatures above 195 degrees F. The procedure of inserting these plastic bags into a pot of boiling water or simply harmful by placing boiling water in her, it could cause the plastic to start to break and possibly melt. Since the egg and cheese in an omelette contain their own fat, the mixture tends to get even hotter than boiling water.

The main concern here is, of course, possible food contamination, as well as cancer-causing carcinogens as a result of the chemical breakdown of the plastic bag. However, this does not preclude the use of the bag for mixing ingredients or for storing the various constituents generally required by survivors. The problem is that the chemical in the bag breaks down under high temperatures. The associated heat is what chemically breaks down the Zip-lock. The company has stated that the Zip-lock bag was never designed or approved to be subjected to these extremes of heat encountered when boiling and does not recommend such procedures.

Any concerns you may have about the use of zippers and your food can be answered by contacting SC Johnson and Son at 866-231-5406 or you can visit their website. I hope this has alleviated the possibility of a dangerous procedure in the use of these valuable items. After all, we don’t want to lose good survivors, right?

Copyright @ 2008 Joseph Parish

Author: admin

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