5 common symptoms of depression

Depression is a serious illness that many times people overlook. They tend to tell someone who is suffering to get rid of it. However, unless you really understand the symptoms of depression and how hopeless the patient can feel, you won’t be able to help them. That is why it is important that everyone understands and learns to recognize the symptoms in order to help a loved one who has this painful problem.

Lack of energy – This is probably one of the most prominent symptoms of depression. Even when someone is mildly depressed, they feel lethargic and don’t want to do anything. Sometimes simple tasks seem too difficult to accomplish. Other times a simple act like making the bed seems like a triumph. The feeling of exhaustion that depressed people have is very real. They can’t just get up and do something. They really are sold out.

Sleep disorders – Continuing with the previous symptom, people who are depressed often have problems with their sleep patterns. Either they sleep too much or they can’t sleep at all. They will wake up frequently during the night or have trouble falling asleep. There is no set pattern to sleep problems in people with depression, but there are definite interruptions in sleep.

Loss of interest – Many times, patients lose interest in the very things that have given them joy. Hobbies and interests fall by the wayside and no longer appeal to them. Maybe they just don’t have the energy to participate, or don’t feel up to it. Loss of interest in hobbies may be the result of other symptoms of depression.

overwhelming hopelessness – Although this is not always a symptom that others can see, sometimes we can detect it when the victim talks to us. It seems that they have given up on life and on themselves. They have feelings of worthlessness and have no hope for the future. When they talk, there is a strong negative undercurrent in their conversations as if everything is wrong with the world.

Eating disorders – Like sleep, eating patterns can be altered by depression. The sufferer may overeat or may stop eating all together. They may start to crave salty or sweet foods, as they are often comfort foods. If you notice a sudden weight gain or loss, your loved one may be suffering from depression.

So now that you know the symptoms of depression, how can you help? You need to help your loved one realize that they need to go to the doctor. Now this will not be easy because they usually cannot see the symptoms themselves. In fact, many depressed people think that everyone else has something wrong with them.

Show your friend love and understanding. Be there for them to talk when they need to. Once you develop strong trust, you can encourage them to seek medical help. Sometimes just having a shoulder to cry on and someone you can trust can help someone who has a mild case of depression. Just be there and be a friend. That is the most important thing you can do.

Author: admin

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