5 things to consider when selecting a managed file transfer provider

1) Real capabilities for the entire company

Many managed file transfer providers will claim that they offer enterprise-wide capabilities. However, once the contract has been signed, you may find that your solution is missing some of the features or capabilities that you expected. Whether you need to automatically transfer files between platforms, to the mainframe, or securely over the Internet, you will need a total solution that meets or exceeds all internal and external file transfer requirements. Look for a complete software package that ensures security, while providing automation, flexibility, compliance, integration, and cost savings.

2) Flexible licensing options

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to business software. Whether you’re a midsize organization or a Fortune 500, your managed file transfer provider should offer a variety of payment options to suit your needs and budget constraints. This may include options such as buying, leasing or financing the software or, in some cases, obtaining an unlimited use license. Each organization is structured differently and your vendor must recognize these differences and be flexible to accommodate your unique licensing requirements or restrictions.

3) Strong customer support

The main complaints leveled at the major file transfer providers are that they are difficult to work with, they are inflexible, and at times hostile. From unfair pricing practices to expensive forced software updates and more, these managed file transfer providers can appear to hold back customer organizations. Before signing anything, talk to your provider about ongoing maintenance costs and make sure updates are included in your contract. Ask to speak to several of your most important clients and assess how strong the relationship is. Are they flexible and responsive? Is the customer satisfied with your business practices? These are critical differentiators and should not be overlooked at any cost.

4) Powerful conversion utilities

Legacy file transfer systems are built into many organizations and the process of replacing them in your corporate environment can be a daunting task. That said, it’s imperative to get up and running as quickly as possible, without wasting valuable time or resources. Look for a managed file transfer provider with advanced conversion utilities and automated tools and routines to help automate your migration from legacy applications.

5) Fast and smooth implementation

“Remember that time is money.” This quote, from Ben Franklin, to a young merchant in 1748 is still fully applicable when it comes to the day-to-day business of an organization. When implementing a new software solution in your environment, you need the change to be fast and not disrupt existing processes or applications. Setbacks can increase costs and affect entire systems. Choose a managed file transfer provider that has proven successful in installing and maintaining your application, and ask them for evidence to back up their claims. Again, talk to your customers.

Author: admin

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