Energy Efficiency: Simple Ways to Reduce Air Conditioning Use and Save Money

Did you know that 14% of the energy produced in the United States is used to power buildings and 10% of the energy produced is used to power homes? What is the total cost to consumers? More than 15 billion dollars a year. To put that in perspective, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) equates that to year a staggering 140 million tons of CO2.

Energy efficiency refers to the reduction of energy used by specific end-use devices and systems, such as air conditioners, typically without affecting the quality of services provided. Energy efficiency can be achieved in many ways. In the case of your air conditioning, an easy way to achieve this efficiency is by reducing your air conditioning needs.

Reducing your air conditioning needs

Depending on where you live, you can feel very dependent on your air conditioning. You may even be thinking about upgrading to a newer air conditioner with an improved SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio), but before you consider this: The easiest way to save money and energy on cooling is to reduce your air conditioning needs in the first place.

While some of my solutions may initially seem expensive, in the long run you will enjoy monthly energy savings, in some cases appreciate the value of your home and you’ll always feel good knowing you’re doing your part to fight global warming.

Strategies to Reduce Your Air Conditioning Needs

  • Invest in alternative forms of internal cooling, such as ceiling fans or house fans. Unless you live in a very humid climate, ceiling fans, which can provide cooling by creating a low-level “wind chill” effect, are a good and relatively inexpensive option. Ceiling fans are also Energy Star qualified, so it’s easy to find energy-efficient models. Home fans are usually large ceiling fans on the top floor. They cool by pushing out hot air, and in turn create a vacuum that sucks in cooler air. Unfortunately, home fans are not covered by Energy Star. In either case, the fan uses substantially less energy than air conditioning systems and can go a long way toward reducing your reliance on your air conditioner.
  • Replace old single pane windows with newer, more energy efficient double or even triple pane windows. More energy-efficient windows can reduce your air conditioning needs, but depending on the number of windows involved, it can be expensive. If expense becomes a concern, you can always choose to use curtains or window coverings that effectively block sunlight. While curtains and window coverings will help, for best results when warranted, I recommend replacing the frame and glass. In some cases, replacing windows can improve your energy efficiency by up to 41% in the summer, when air conditioning is used the most.
  • Consider making shade gardens. If replacing your windows is expensive but you have room for gardening, consider planting shade trees on the sunny side of your house. The less direct sunlight entering your house, the less heat. Shade trees also have the added benefits of reducing CO2 pollution from the local area. You can expect a full grown shade tree to gradually remove about 10lbs of CO2 a year, native trees are always a good choice because they are easier to maintain.
  • Replace non-programmable thermostats with programmable versions. You can save up to 10% a year on your cooling bills by using a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature while you sleep or are away from home. When shopping for a programmable thermostat, be sure to look for Energy Star versions.
  • Install energy efficient covers. Energy Star offers a number of different reflective roofing products that can reduce your peak air conditioning demand by up to 10-15%.
  • Use light or “cool” colored coatings or paints with a high Light Reflective Value (LRV). Most major paint manufacturers can tell you the LRV of any color paint sample. The higher the LRV, the more the paint will reflect heat rather than absorb it. Keeping your home cooler by reflecting heat will reduce your air conditioning needs.
  • Replace your older or inefficient appliances, like an old or secondary refrigerator, or replace incandescent light bulbs with LEDs. The less heat your appliances and inefficient lighting put out, the less you’ll have to compensate for your air conditioning.
  • Unplug high-drain electronics when you’re not using them. Many of the newer electronic devices have a “sleep mode” that keeps them ready for action. This “sleep mode” uses electricity and because the device is operating at some level, it will continue to generate heat. When not in use, don’t forget to unplug the chargers for your smaller devices as well.
  • Properly insulate your home. If you have a home that is not properly insulated, you can waste a lot of electricity when the cold air created by your air conditioner escapes. Because? Your air conditioner will simply continue to work harder to maintain a stable temperature, regardless of continued air leaks. The harder your air conditioner works, the more electricity it uses and the more expensive it becomes. If your home has an attic, it is very common for air leaks to occur between your living space and the attic space.

An easy way to save money on air conditioning that is often overlooked is by simply reducing its use. While enjoying the cool benefits of air conditioning, it’s easy to overlook its expensive nature, due to the electricity required, its environmental cost must also be considered. While going green isn’t always easy, in this case, going green will save you money by reducing your energy use.

Author: admin

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