Save Money to Get Rich: Should You?

Are you one of those people who believe that you have to save money to get rich? If so, then ask yourself these questions:

  1. How much do you have in your savings account TODAY?
  2. How much was that amount worth 10 YEARS AGO?
  3. How much will that amount be worth IN 10 YEARS?
  4. When you look at these questions, you’ll realize that by SAVING money, you’re actually LOSING money.

Now I’m going to tell you something that will make you think I’m crazy: You can benefit more from having DEBT than having money. And by “money” I mean: paper money. The kind of money your government earns: fake money, Monopoly bills.

But before you call me crazy, let me ask you the same questions in a slightly different way:

  1. How much debt do you have TODAY?
  2. What was the value of that debt 10 YEARS AGO and
  3. What will be the value of that debt WITHIN 10 YEARS?

First of all, you need to realize that the value of most major currencies decreases every year (and therefore less important currencies also decrease in value, because they are pegged to major currencies). If he bought a car in 1900 for US$1,000, that same car would cost him $26,800 today.

The groceries you bought in 1975 with $100 would cost you $405 in 2010. That’s 400% more.

If you paid €81.87 in 2000 for a nice T-shirt, you would have to pay €100 for the same thing in 2010. If this is happening in rich first world countries, what would be the effect on poorer countries?

How does that happen? Ask the bankers who steal your money, then have your banks hold your money. Bankers line their pockets with their money instead of pushing it into the economy, then print more money to fill the void (this is how inflation is created). And you pay the bill.

What are the effects on your debts and your financial (monetary) assets when the value of money decreases? It’s pretty simple:

  1. The value of your savings goes down, but so does
  2. The value of your debts goes down
  3. In other words: each year you can do less with the money you saved. And every year your debts are worth less. Or: you earn more being in debt than having money in the bank.

Let me give you a quick example. Let’s say today is September 1, 2012. The President of the United States of America has just announced that the dollar will be devalued. In Brussels, the president of the European Union declared that the euro will cease to exist, as the rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded France from AA- to A. In Italy and Spain, police shot hundreds of people who robbed supermarkets in the worst food riots since December. 2011 when President Berlusconi was sent to jail.

You had 100,000 euros in the bank. Your 100 grand are now worth 100 euros.

You had a $500,000 mortgage. Now that mortgage is worth 500 of today’s dollars.

You had gold bars and silver coins in your private vault, worth $50,000. When paper money goes down, precious metals tend to go up. Now your bullion and coins are worth $5,000,000.

What is the lesson here?

If you want to save $100 today and you want to make sure it’s still worth $100 or more next year, you need to save on something that will hold its value. That could be, for example, oil, real estate, precious metals.

Personally, I would not prefer oil as most of the oil fields are in politically unstable regions. And I don’t like to invest in damaging our environment.

Real estate is an option, but I’m too lazy to own it. I don’t like people calling me on Sunday mornings to complain that the roof is leaking.

However, precious metals are a good option for me. The most popular precious metals to invest in are gold and silver (and some will even consider platinum).

The problem with gold is that it is out of my hands as a beginner investor. Gold prices are not within my current means of pocket (although: there are methods to buy small amounts, which make gold easier to buy).

Silver is in very high demand, because it is used in everything that has to do with communication. The Internet, for example, could not exist without the silver that is used in components, phones, computers, etc.

At the same time, the price of silver is still quite low (but rising). Silver could give you a very high ROI, perhaps even higher than gold.

What does this have to do with you?

the next time you

  • note that you have to pay more to fill the gas tank of your car
  • notice that you can buy less groceries with the same money
  • notice you’re broke faster than in the past
  • Prayed
  • when you hear that people are starving
  • when you hear that people burn cities and loot supermarkets:
  • then you should realize that it is the process I described in this article in action. The famous author Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), when he predicts the following says: “Buy storable food. Then buy a weapon.”

And it will affect you, if you don’t take precautions. The most important preventive measure you should take is: secure your finances. Put aside some cash for everyday expenses and transfer the rest of your money to precious metals.

Stop saving money in the bank. All you do by saving money in the bank is making a banker rich.

do not trust bank vaults. Did you know that when you rent a vault from a bank, whatever is in that vault can become the property of the bank? read the fine print when doing business with a bank.

Start buying some gold and silver. It is possible to get some gold and silver with only 20 to 50 dollars per month. Of course, I am not talking about certificates, but real gold that you can get your hands on.

And start doing it today. You don’t have that much time.

Author: admin

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