Shouldn’t There Be Some Common Sense Priorities We Can Agree On: 5 Examples

Despite all the political and partisan differences and the degree of vitriol we witness, in this heavily charged environment / atmosphere, shouldn’t there be some issues / areas, most of us are willing to consider, with an open mind, trying to create a necessary meeting of minds, for the greater good? Although, I realize that common sense is, too, rare / uncommon, in the political circus, what sense does it have? well, and are they focused on their personal / political agenda, and their own interests? Shouldn’t there be certain, common-sense priorities that people agree on and pursue, despite their other opinions and political preferences? With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 related examples.

1. Pandemic / Public Health Management: Why does the United States appear to have suffered more than most other nations in the world? Given that we consider ourselves to be one of the most advanced and sophisticated countries on this planet, wouldn’t you expect that we would handle this pandemic better than most? With approximately 4.5% of the planet’s population, we have experienced / suffered approximately 25% of the cases / infections, and approximately 20% of the fatalities / deaths. Although, it is obvious, we have failed our citizens, with regard to public health problems, and the handling of this pandemic, perhaps even more worrying, is that many Americans are not willing to listen, with an open mind, follow science. / data, they cooperate voluntarily in terms of basic measures, such as wearing a mask, social spacing, etc. Perhaps the biggest concern is, many seem to believe, conspiracy theories, rather than scientists and data.

2. Budget / spending priorities: Although the 2017 tax reform mainly favored the wealthiest individuals and corporations, why do so many think it helped them? Why is it acceptable to create a huge deficit, due to this law, and subsidies to large companies, but not so, when it comes to helping so many, who have suffered, due to the economic and health ramifications, of this pandemic? When will voters realize the level of hypocrisy and demand better and more?

3. Courts / Judges / Magistrates: If we cannot depend on our courts and the legal system to rigorously defend all of our rights and freedoms (not selectively), and the judges and judges, commit to protecting the integrity and identity of our nation, haven we not lost our way ?

Four. Systemic racism exists: No matter how much some may wish to deny the reality and existence of systemic racism, in many areas of American life, etc., it exists largely too great! Some examples include: employment / job opportunities and wages; police treatment; Short results; and many other rights and freedoms!

5. Climate change / environmental protection: Although most of the rest of the world is aware of the threats posed by Climate Change and / or lack of environmental care, this nation (or, a large number of certain core supporters, etc.), proceeds, as if, Denying and claiming false issues, such as limiting your alleged freedoms and / or inconveniences, will make it non-existent.

Wake up America and demand better, more realistic and fact-based leadership from those we elect and support! It’s up to you!

Author: admin

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